Friday, March 4, 2011

What's Next for Georgie?

I'm nearly done with the next Molly book, so naturally my attention is turning to Georgie and what is up for her.
She has been abroad for the past two books, so I think it's time to bring her back to England, don't you? And with the King's Speech doing so frightfully well (as she would say) I'm wondering whether I can do something with Georgie that ties in to that branch of the royals.
Any suggestions on what you'd like to see happening to Georgie next?

And speaking of royal weddings--I am seriously bummed. The royal wedding will happen when I am on the East coast for a convention. I won't even get to watch the whole thing. Not fair. John will record it back at home and I'll watch it later but it's not the same.


  1. I ask only one thing of the next Georgie book: MORE DARCY.

  2. I third it. Oh and I've also wondered what would happen if George's Grandda met Darcy. It seems to me they'd either get along quite well or not at all...

  3. I preordered the next "Royal" book over the weekend. No cover art yet though. :(

  4. More Darcy but give him some competition for goodness sakes. How about Georgie being a lady in waiting to the Duchess of York for a spell and have some catty conversation with the Queen Mum to be about the awful American woman.

    Carrie: Didnt Darcy meet the grandfather? Ithought he did while the grandfather was butlering for Georgie?

  5. Yes, I'm sure they've met--also in Scotland I believe.

  6. Hi, I am big fan of your books Mrs. Bowen. I have read all the Even Evens books, and I just finished “Bless the Bride” a few days ago, and loved every moment of it.

    I’ve just started reading, the first book in the Lady Georgie series. And I am very much enjoying it. I can’t hardly wait to see, what else happens to Lady Georgie and all the characters in the series.

    Thank you for writing such great stories Mrs. Bowen.

    Hi, I am big fan of your books Mrs. Bowen. I have read all the Evan Evans books, and I just finished “Bless the Bride” a few days ago, and loved every moment of it.

    I’ve just started reading, the first book in the Lady Georgie series. And I am very much enjoying it. I can’t hardly wait to see, what else happens to Lady Georgie and all the characters in the series.

    Thank you for writing these great, entertaining books Mrs. Bowen.

  7. Oh dear, color me embarrassed. I think I now remember those scenes. Please forget I said that.
    And I just finished Bless the Bride. It was wonderful!

  8. How about sending Georgie to Darcy's turf in Ireland? We've never really met Darcy's family...just a glimpse of the sister from a distance....

    Love the books, all of them, and can't wait for the next one!

    Oh - don't know if this is possible - but wondered what would happen if Lady Georgie ever met Carola Dunn's Daisy Dalrymple.... just a thought...

  9. I was also hoping for a story on Darcy's turf! Maybe some trouble with the former family estate (and by trouble, I mean murder). Anyhow, whatever's next I'm sure it will be marvelous!

  10. I love the Georgie series and really can't wait for Naughty in Nice, and I agree with everybody more Darcy would be amazing. It could be a good idea though to add some competition for Darcy, though I really do adore him.

  11. Though this comment may be a litlle late I would like to agree with everybody above and have more Darcy in the books, and Ireland or Italy as a setting could be interesting. But I am sure your next book will be great, and thank you for writing these books

  12. My husband scored points in the husband category, when he purchased for me the Naughty in Nice book. However he was going down in the husband polls when he kept talking to me while I tried to read the book. I was successful in finishing the book in one day. Once my husband read the book after me, he understood why I couldn't talk to him and kept giving him the 'wife' stare over the book. Love Lady Georgie, I like it when Georgie travels, I felt like I was in Nice with her. Also when she travels, at least I know she is eating. cherio from Northern Ontario Canada.

  13. Just a quick query.... Naughty in Nice is the latest in the Lady Georgiana series, right? Hopefully or maybe is it possible that I missed one coming after. This is my favorite series and would love to read the next installment.
