Tuesday, April 5, 2011

And How Real is Her Royal Spyness?

I had this question yesterday so I thought I ought to answer it before I am swallowed up in doing my tax, packing up and driving back to California, finishing my book and attending Romantic Times Convention tomorrow.

First I have to confess that if you check the royal family tree, Lady Georgie doesn't exist. I've never actually mentioned which of Queen Victoria's daughters was her grandmother, but one daughter did marry a Scottish nobleman (not called the Duke of Rannoch) so that much is accurate. I chose Rannoch for the family seat because it is so barren, bare and remote and I wanted her to have enough good reasons to flee from her Scottish castle.

But as to the royals around her--I have tried to make them as real as possible. If they say something it is either a real quote or a sentiment they have expressed. Queen Mary's intense dislike of Mrs. Simpson, her passion for antiques, Mrs. Simpson's mocking of the Duke and Duchess of York, the little princesses and their passion for horses... all true.  I read biographies, autobiographies of secretaries, nanny, etc and in some cases I've used actual phrases the person uttered. And I should also add that I have met several members of the royal family. I had tea with the queen when I was young and met the  queen mum on several occasions (delightful woman).

So the environment in which Georgie moves is colored by my own experiences. My husband's family (mother's side goes back to King Edward III, former owners of Sutton Place and several other stately homes) is littered with cousins with strange nicknames and stories about jokes played on the butler. All I have to do is visit and listen. 

The actual background of the times and political happenings is accurate too--(except for the vampire-ridden castle in Royal Blood. That was pure spoof). Struggles between communists and facsists taking place all over Europe and even in England. Bread lines at London stations. Thousands of men out of work. The Great Depression and yet those with money lived as if nothing had changed. A fascinating time to write about. I'm thinking of sending Georgie to America to meet Hollywood stars and Al Capone... what do you think?


  1. Noooooo! Don't send Georgie to the States! The flavor of your books is so terribly British and I think that would be lost if you sent her over the pond. Besides, there's that whole poor as a church mouse thing. Just not realistic for her to travel that far afield. I'm sure you can find other places for her to run amok. Weren't the Irish being naughty during that time? You could have her go over there, chasing Darcy or something.


  2. Whilst reading the third Georgie book, I couldn't help wondering and hoping that the present Queen or some older member of the royal family reads it, and what their reaction would be: smiles? blushes? knowing nod?
    They are portrayed in such a "human" non-political, non-judgemental way (difficult these days)with any quirks or less-than-appealing habits being accepted as the norm and part of the story. You have walked that tightrope splendidly.

  3. Thank you. I've tried to make them real and I hope the current queen approves of herself in Royal Flush.

  4. Thank you for providing answers to my question.

    Twitter follower

  5. I think Georgie should hare off to Kenya and mingle with those crazy aristocrats in Happy Valley. Just think: safaris, Darcy, tents, drugs, adultery, and murder--what more could you ask for?

  6. As soon as I finish a book in this series I can't wait for the next. Will 2011 bring another?

  7. Anxiously awaiting Georgie's next adventure. I can see her having a lark on an ocean liner heading to New York, then uncovering a mystery in the new Empire State Building.

  8. Oh I'm sure whatever adventure you write for Georgie will be delicious! I absolutely love this series and anxiously await the next installment.
    They are such a treat.....like a warm quilt and a piping hot cup of tea on a rainy Sunday afternoon. A rare pleasure!

  9. Just out of curiosity........is there a new Royal Spyness in the works?

  10. I love the character of Georgie, and I can't wait for the next book in the series. I'm sure wherever you take her next will be wonderfully exciting!

  11. I'm an African American female and I love these books. I've finished the current series and can't wait to read the next one. If Lady G goes to the States, maybe she could encounter the Jazz Era in NYC.

  12. If you do send her to the United States, please don't keep her there. It's great for a jaunt, but not a relocation

  13. I'm worried about the impact of WWII on her and Darcy's lives. That's in 10 years. They would be.. married by then?

  14. I think Her Royal Spyness is a splendid series! And, like QuicksilverGurl, I keep worrying about WWII - it seems to come ever closer, and Georgie's mom is still with Max- will she, I can't help but wonder, be trapped in Germany when the war begins? If she is, what on earth will happen to her?
    By the way, I, at least, would like Georgie and Darcy to actually get married- and for the series to continue with this new status quo as a premise. They wouldn't have to go on their adventures as a couple (though they could do that sometimes- Michael Innes' Appleby stories might be a good model- after his marriage to Judith Raven, she is sometimes on the sidelines of his cases and sometimes she's investigating with him)- but you could use their domestic life as a framing narrative for each adventure, as you now use Fig and Binky as a starting point (though I hope Georgie won't want to escape Darcy as she wants to escape Fig and Binky!).
    I mention this simply because I think your series is too good to fall into the trap of a rigorously maintained status quo. And it really is an excellent series! Thanks! It is hard to find a really funny mystery series nowadays, and I'm always thrilled to see that a new Her Royal Spyness has come out.

  15. I started your royal spyness series during thanksgiving when I first discovered the books. I had no idea what I was in for when I started them and I have to say I just love the books! They are delightfully funny, romantic, refreshing, and a good mystery all wrapped up into one amazing book series I can't enough off. something about the setting and time frame has captivated my attention. I just finished your last book the other day and I must say a little sad that I have to wait till August for the next book. I couldn't put them down once I started them.

  16. I really love the Series as well and hope you will write a lot more books about Lady Georgie, even after their marriage and into the war.
    If you continue to write about the war (which I hope as it means that their are a lot more books to come... ;)) I do wonder as well what will happen to her Mom and Max.
    What I'm also wondering about is about her grandfather ans his neighbour. I wonder the change in him, as he told her one, that he didn't want her all the time with him (12 clues to Xmas). I can't wait to August for the new book!!
