Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Free at Last!

Not a real post because my left hand still won't obey me, but hangs floppily like something that doesn't belong to me, but THE CAST CAME OFF yesterday! Yeah.
Now I am supposed to exercise the wrist and hand so I'm making myself type. Surprisingly hard, but I need to get that hand back in shape quickly as I'm due to start a new Molly book NOW.
Anyway, thank you for all your kind wishes. I'm sure they helped me heal quickly.


  1. Yay for getting the cast off! And please keep using that hand to type - I'm really looking forward to more Molly!

  2. Congratulations on getting rid of the cast! I'm a new reader who absolutely adores the Royal Spyness series -- I just finished "Royal Blood" a few hours ago, having read it as slowly as possible to make it last. Is there another Georgie book on the horizon? (Please say yes !...)

    Happy New Year and happy writing!

  3. Oh yes, there will be more Lady Georgie books and more Molly books too. The next Molly book comes out March 1 and is called Bless the Bride, and the next Lady Georgie story is out in September, called Naughty in Nice

  4. Great -- thanks for the info.! I look forward to the next installment of Georgie's adventures. In the meantime, I'll make Molly's acquaintance. I have a feeling I'm going to like her.

  5. Yay, another Molly book. I hope you will be all healed up soon! And actually for your own sake, too, not just Molly's. For a writer, nothing is worse than not being able to write.
