Thursday, January 27, 2011

Some good things to share

I apologise for being silent for so long. It is my week to blog every day at Jungle Red Writers ( and two blogs a day is just too much with a hand and wrist that still don't want to work properly.
Anyway, I hope you'll pop over to Jungle Red Writers--today I have a really funny piece on quaint sports of the British countryside. Did you know there was a sport called Hedge Jumping? How about Tar Barrel Racing?

And I have a couple of good things to share. One is a blog about Her Royal Spyness, describing it as a "1930s mystery-solving Bridget Jones.'  Isn't that fun?
And the other is a lovely, lovely email I received, one of those messages that remind writers why we write in the first place.

One day last summer I took my three year old daughter to our local county library because she loves books. I have never really liked reading much and I want to make sure she does not follow in her mother’s footsteps (so far so good). During our visit to the library, I thought I’d browse the fiction section and see if anything interested me. As you may know, when you have a three year old with you your time to look around is very limited. I glanced on the shelf and saw Her Royal Spyness and quickly read the back of the book. Sounded interesting and then had to find my daughter who wandered down another isle. Before we left the library I went back and grabbed that book and checked it out. I took it home and reluctantly started to read it hoping to not be disappointed. I was drawn in immediately and didn’t want to put the book down. I finished it by the following weekend and went back to the library hoping to find another book of yours and I found A Royal Pain. Once I found out that this was a series I was even more excited. Needless to say I have read all the Spyness books. I was actually anxiously waiting for the release of Royal Blood. I have never been so excited about a book coming to print. Your writing has sparked a joy of reading inside of me and I am very appreciative!! I started the Evans series, but could only find the first one in print so far at local stores and I found the first three Molly books at used book stores. I’m almost finished with Molly’s 3rd book (three chapters to go) and will be on the hunt to find more of the Evans and Molly books. Thank you for being such a great writer that can get a non-reader like me into reading! Hopefully by next year I’ll be caught up on all of your books and anxiously waiting your new releases.

A Very Satisfied Reader,


  1. That was a nice letter! I hope she discovers the Molly series next! I hope, too, that your hand and wrist are soon back to normal.

  2. Thank you, Elizabeth! Gradually getting better. Of course impatient me wants everthing perfect tomorrow!
