Monday, March 12, 2012

Aiding Downton WithdrawaL

If you're suffering from Downton withdrawal, (like me) then a couple of things showed up on the web today to ease your pangs.

First from the bookbitch blog:For those of you going through Downton Abbey withdrawal, you may want to take a look at my blog today where you can win a copy of the book that inspired the Downton Abbey series, TO MARRY AN ENGLISH LORD by Gail MacColl and Carol McD. Wallace.: Cheers, Stacy Alesi I am the BookBitch:

and then this delicious quiz to see which Downton Abbey character you are: Here is a link, although it's on several sites today.
And guess who I turned out to be? Robert, Earl of Grantham! Well I guess I am aristocratic by nature but with a social conscience, but I'm not going to start eyeing the maids any time soon!

And if you'd like a quick dose of an upper class American mansion--my new Molly Murphy book takes place in one of the famous cottages in Newport R.I.


  1. Rhys,
    I was not surprised when I took the quiz that I turned out to be most like Lady Mary.

  2. I would have liked to be Lady Mary as I identify most strongly with her, but I couldn't honestly say that my ideal mate would be troubled, with something to hide or destined for disaster. I like my romances safe and smooth!

  3. I'm Matthew. That's what I get for being honest and hard-working. :)

    Cathy AJ

  4. I'm Anna. How mortifying (even though she's an admirable character, to be sure). I think the quiz was rigged!!
