Friday, May 7, 2010

Flying Solo

This is a big step for me. I've been part of two group blogs for several years: The Lady Killers and Jungle Red Writers. (I'll still be part of Jungle Red Writers but I'll no longer be a LadyKiller) I decided that I wanted more freedom and flexibility to post whenever I wanted and not on a given day or theme, so I've taken the plunge and started Rhys's Pieces, my own personal blog.
I hope you'll follow me. Some days will be news items about what is happening in my professional or private life (well, not too private) and other days will be serious musings, reports on research or silly snippets. I aim to have plenty of interesting guests too and my first big post will be a report on my adventure as toastmaster at Malice Domestic last weekend. Look for it as soon as I can edit my photos.



  1. Welcome to the freedom of solo blogging. This is usually coupled with the realization that you are now solely responsible for regular updates! On the whole, however, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. I'm looking forward to reading more.

  2. I'm glad you decided to start your own blog, and I'm really looking forward to keeping up with your musings! Have fun!
